Thursday, January 21, 2010

i think (it's funny version)

  • i think it's funny when someone says for 30-something years that they HATE cooking, then they post a blog that says if they had "time" they would be cooking all the time b/c they LOVE it.
  • i think it's funny when someone says if they were a sahm they'd be a substitute teacher....yes, folks, that's what she said. if she stayed at home...she'd go to work. ROFLMAO!!! gosh, i wonder who would be taking care of all the kids?
  • i think it's funny when someone says they don't want to take a "handout" from the government (in the form of medical care for her children), but that person has NO PROBLEM taking a handout from the government in the form of BANKRUPTCY!! (as long as she can still take that Caribbean vacation she's planning.) can we say HYPOCRITE.
  • speaking of hypocrite, i think it's funny when someone says that josh and i should never have had children b/c we didn't have health insurance. and yet that SAME person had three children on medicaid when they were younger.
  • ok, last one. i think it's funny when someone who lives in a BARN...with RATS (and God knows what else) says that she would hate to live in a house like ours (apparently brand new, 1600 sq. ft. homes with large yards are just HORRID for children...)

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