Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Last night while the kids were in the tub I decided to read some archived posts from one of my fave bloggers (dooce.com). I was laughing hysterically even though her humor was so dark and sarcastic (a little like myself). It was pure observation and I thought "I do that" (although it's here in the living room and I torture Josh with it). So that's how we got here. The posts are going to be totally different from my mommy blog. They might be one line, they might be 20, but they will primarily be about things that I observe in this life. Random things. Things that irk me, things that piss me off, things that i think are funny (and maybe no one else does). This is really, just me venting. If you think I'm too "negative" then PLEASE don't read and definitely don't comment, because I really don't care what you think. This is for me, not you. No one is forcing you to read and feel sorry for me because your life is so fucking perfect and I am obviously a sarcastic bitch.

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